Utilities and industrial engineers the world over trust in the products made by SGB-SMIT Group with headquarter in Regensburg, Germany and companies in Germany, the USA, Malaysia, the Netherlands, Romania, the Czech Republic, India, China, South Africa and France.
The SGB-SMIT Group has become today’s number one medium-sized manufacturer of transformers in Europe – the pure-play transformer specialist from Europe with the highest customer dedication. Our customers find us a trustworthy and reliable partner who is not above facing and even solving difficult tasks.
Growing with the challenge, believing in the progress of development and designing the perfect transformer for every customer have been the key mottos of our company philosophy for more than 100 years.

Large Power Transformers up to 765kV from ROYAL SMIT TRANSFORMERS and shunt reactors.
Large Power Transformers within the SGB-SMIT Group are manufactured in Nijmegen, the Netherlands. A very modern production facility with no limitations in size and weight, where the transformers can be shipped to the port of Rotterdam within 1 day. The unique single-winding-clamping-construction is used for the large power transformers, contributing to the very high quality standard of our transformers.
Medium Power Transformers up to 245kV from SGB Regensburg
There is hardly a problem we have not yet solved, hardly a design that we have not already built for many years of experience in the area of power transformers makes you variable, creates flexibility and gives you a high degree of problem-solving ability. Know-how as standard in all production sites in Germany, Malaysia and the USA.

Cast Resin transformers up to 25MVA and voltage class up to 36kV from SGB Regensburg
SGB-SMIT Group is able to deliver Cast Resin Transformers (from production sites in Germany, Malaysia and the USA) with capacities up to 25 MVA and series voltages up to 36 kV. Our offer includes converter transformers, distribution transformers and special transformers. With more than 30 years experience in the construction of cast resin transformers, SGB-SMIT Group has worldwide expertise, and this is expressed in remarkably high quality coefficients such as mean time between failures (MTBF) of over 2,400 years.
Special Transformers.

Oil distribution transformers from 50 to 3,150 kVA from SGB Regensburg and SGB Neumark
More than 70 years of know-how and experience is reflected in the oil distribution transformers made by SGB-SMIT Group. Our production (in Germany and Malaysia) is based on high-quality production materials, and we place the highest emphasis on first-class workmanship. The result: oil distribution transformers of maximum reliability!
Phase Shifters
The bulk transfer of power is mostly a passive affair, where the power flows to the load by the lowest impedance path. To influence this flow, the phase angle of the sending or receiving end must be modified – this may be done by the use of Phase Shifting Transformers. The phase shifting transformer introduces a circulating current into the system which acts to either reduce (when operating in buck mode) or increase (when operating in boost mode) the load current in the line where the phase shifting transformer is located.

Specific dry type transformers and reactors from BCV technologies France.
Specific Dry-type Transformers and Reactors Impregnated or Cast Resin –LV/LV or MV/LV –Copper or Aluminium –Single-phase or 3-phase
Partners Be Trusted